10 July 2010

Ties, ties, and more ties

Last week I went thrifting with a friend and her mom. We all found some amazing treasures and among mine was a box of ties. I'm not sure why really but I had to have them. I was so excited to find 8 vintage Hermes in there! The funny thing is that no one in this house wears a tie. My son has never worn a tie and hubbie hasn't worn one since... I have no idea! I don't even like ties on kids. I just find it silly. So I thought I would make a tshirt with a tie. Just because.

Here's the tie I picked out. I had no idea how silk ties wash (and it has to be washable on the smalls) so I washed it. It got a bit crinkly but not in a bad way.

I laid it on the shirt, folded in a "knot", and cut off the excess underneath. I then topstitched around the whole thing twice and done. Easy peasy lemon squeazy. I love fast projects. B thought it was funny. He was so excited when I was finished and was more than happy to try it on for the photo-op but then quickly removed it. For now I'll attribute that to it being hot here. 95 and no a/c.

I think it would be a cute first-day-back-to-school shirt. But it will probably be an off-to-the-playground-and-this-shirt-is-on-the-top-of-the-pile shirt.

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